Breathing | Teen Ink


January 23, 2013
By alexdom95 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
alexdom95 BRONZE, Flemington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't give those them an inch, stand your ground every chance you get. Everyone deserves to be happy

Respiration my inspiration
Living my dedication
Drawing energy from the golden sphere resting on the horizon
The sweet daises perched in my kitchen window sill
The warmth of a sincere embrace

Laying in Lenape Field
Night chills welcome me
Dew soaked blades of grass slice into the hairs of the back of my neck
I get lost in the eternal night sky
Time stands still
There is no moon no clouds
Crickets belt out their song- the night song
A lone light shines in the distance
A portal into eternity

My fatal attraction
My forever distraction
The chemical reaction
Somewhere in the depths of the sparkling clear blue ocean
Located somewhere between my cerebral cortex
And my medulla
With every breath I fall deeper for you

I walk proudly with the same piercing brown eyes as my mother
The swagger and tendencies of my brother
The illuminating smile of my father
That has the ability to radiate warmth

Memoires are engrained
In the cracks of my worked hands
The dimples in my cheeks
I breathe deep

Single heart beats
Forever shackled to a constant rhythm
Rich red blood pules through veins
Laying in cold sweat
The first rays of morning light penetrate the cracks of blinds
Kissing shut eyelids
I rise along with the sound of the morning robin
Still breathing

The author's comments:
This poem was written when I was at cross-roads in my life, caught between haunting memories and the happiness and joy of moving on. This work was written as a way for me to acknowledge he past, and, at the same time, carry on with my life and my journey to happiness

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