Our Snow | Teen Ink

Our Snow

February 8, 2013
By AmarisKade PLATINUM, Rye, New Hampshire
AmarisKade PLATINUM, Rye, New Hampshire
21 articles 11 photos 8 comments

A vision of peace as
branches are coated in a
delicate blanket made of white.
Winds blow around you and
cover you in a gentle
It is silent as snow
falls on the rest of
The World.
It drifts about your face
tracing spidery swirls on the
woven hat you wear on
your head. A small smile
appears on your face and
I laugh because someone else
sees it too.

The author's comments:
I was looking out my window this morning when I saw a truly beautiful sight. Snow falling gently onto the tree branches. Freshly fallen snow is magical for me, and I want other people to stop, and take a moment to just soak it all in. Winter really isn't as bad as people say it is.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 24 2023 at 9:53 pm
SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
19 articles 4 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine, we'll understand it, all by and by.

I really hope one of my poems gets an editor's choice award on it.