Some are silver some are coal | Teen Ink

Some are silver some are coal

February 24, 2013
By shirleykiller PLATINUM, St Clements, Other
shirleykiller PLATINUM, St Clements, Other
43 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes people put up walls, not to keep others out. but to see who cares enough to tear them down."

There right below me
having fun
not knowing I can here there every word
my friends
or used to be
I guess they can do without me
deep talk
the works
I want to say I miss them
but do I?
I want to say I can live without them
but can I?
when I'm out and purposely not included
I know things won't be the same
I know they don't see me the same
they've had a glimpse of the real mask
and they don't like it
there not as brave as I thought
there not as good as I thought
they are proof
make new friends
ha ha
but keep the old
some are silver
some are gold
more like coal

they walk past me
not seeing me
not seeing anything
there too busy about them selves
good bye
have fun in your new life
because I'm not here anymore

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