An Untold Story | Teen Ink

An Untold Story

February 22, 2013
By Hannah.M BRONZE, New York, New York
Hannah.M BRONZE, New York, New York
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You can't put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.
Michael Phelps

What is life?
Is it a story full of disappointments that has always been told
Or is it happy endings that are yet to unfold
Is it a living dream of all the possible?
Or a nightmare that keeps happening

Is life a waste of time like a crossword puzzle?
Or is it something bigger and worth waiting for
Will the world reward you for every step you make?
Or punish you
Will life beat you down to the core?
Or lift the spirits that wait to be free

Is life a gift that has been given to the soul?
Or torture that is never taken back
Is life meant for happiness?
Or just the opposite

Is life an endless piece of yarn that goes on and on
Or is it a thread that is loose waiting to be cut
Will time speed up
Or slow us down
Will life bring us closer to our dream?
Or make it impossible out of reach
Are rain drops from up above waiting to finally fall down

Is life yet another story full of disappointments that has always been told?
Or is it happy endings that are yet to unfold

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