Reminds Me of Her | Teen Ink

Reminds Me of Her

March 18, 2013
By tracey delgado SILVER, South Gate, California
tracey delgado SILVER, South Gate, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pop of oil cooking bacon
Reminded me of her.
The aroma of bacon
Brought flashbacks in a blur.
The glass door let the sun illuminate the room
As if i were accompanied by an angel in a bloom.
She loved bacon as much as she loved us.
I was young enough to see
our lost company,
Behind that green couch
with beautiful flower designs.

Her wings her wings she's an angel.
My mom claimed nonsense!
No, it is her Vanessa.
We giggled, we chuckled
While we played hide-and-seek.
At last I couldn't find her
But she left me a reminder.
The melody she sang
Was the only melody that remained.

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