For My Sister | Teen Ink

For My Sister

March 16, 2013
By LadyLovely BRONZE, Weaverville, North Carolina
LadyLovely BRONZE, Weaverville, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Normal is not something to aspire to, it's something to get away from.
-Jodie Foster

We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets.
-Marilyn Monroe

For my Sister

I remember the day you were born
I remember your toothless smile,
Your inability to pronounce s’s,
Your favorite elementary school teachers
(And how very few there were.)
I remember your first trophy
I remember your first haircut,
Your first dance recital,
Your first photoshoot
(And oh how telling that was!)
I remember when you called me sissy
I remember when you said
I love you
And you said
You’re my best friend
(And when you stopped saying that.)

I know that being understood
Is the most important thing in your life right now
Besides being popular.
I know that makeup
Is everything
And the way you dress is less of a style
Than a code.
I know that you still love me
And I’m still your best friend
I know that you won’t say it anymore
(But that’s just a phase.)
I know that life is tough
And people are mean
I know that you’re beautiful
And I know that you
Don’t see yourself that way.

I hope you find yourself
One day
I hope you keep marching to your own drummer
And let everyone else
Be everyone else
I hope you learn to trust
In yourself
In me
In your best friends
I hope you hold you head up high
And sing
(As out of tune as you want)
I hope you create for yourself
The life you want to live
And then live it to the fullest
I hope you love
More than you hate
(Much more.)
And you smile
More than you frown
I hope you find a way
To be happy with yourself
I hope you tell everyone you love
That you love them
I hope you never forget
The important stuff
And never remember
What you put on the leaf
Once it floats away.
I hope you laugh
And dance
And sing
And love
And live
And smile
And be yourself
And find a way
To be my best friend again
(But even if you don’t say it, you always will be)

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