Oh what things cannot be unseen | Teen Ink

Oh what things cannot be unseen

March 23, 2013
By Dottymia BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
Dottymia BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

"I'm so sorry"
Fingers traced along the metal ridges and curves.
Hard and cold corners along smooth round surfaces.
Contrasting thoughts
Racing back and forth.
Soft and hard thoughts.
Her hair,
Soft and black.
In the wind.
Her eye.
Hard and black.
Red tears pouring from guilty eyes.
"I'm sorry"
She said.
Eyes squeeze shut.
"Don't be don't be"
Says a voice to the wind,
clear tears pouring from guilty eyes.
Oh what things cannot be unseen.
Sweet beauty,
White flowers,
Stepped on and swept out of sight.
White flower I swept you out of sight.
Your white petals were pulled away
And you lay,
shivering and screaming into the night.
No one heard you. I heard you.

No one heard you.

I told the judge, white flowers are stepped on every day.
And swept away out of sight.
As you were
As you were.
Life goes on does it not angel eyes?
Angel legs
No longer untouched.
No longer free like black tresses I'm the wind.
Like black boxes under dirt.
No one heard you.
No one hears you angel eyes.

I hear you.

Black tears pouring from guilty eyes.
Fingers squeezing black corners.

Oh what things cannot be unseen.

The author's comments:
Inspired by the Steubenville rape case

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