On The War | Teen Ink

On The War

April 4, 2013
By C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
C6nturyP9arl BRONZE, Saint Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." -Moulin Rouge

Drums beat like a thousand hearts
Echoed orders came in shouts
Men blinded with stubborn opinions
Soldiers with hearts of stone and vast canyons
My brother, my friend no longer did we agree
So to our weapons in anger, hate we flee
One disowns the other
Though once it was brother
Barred teeth, eyes of death
In battle we met
Differences is all we saw
So our swords we must draw
Take the enemy
No mercy or remedy
Vanished hope of being won
The battle rages on
Opposing flags in the air they waved
The wounded, the dead on the grass they laid
Cries of grief and anguish heard loud
Some prayed, hoping country and God were proud
One land, family, home
Now it was a grave beneath a blue dome
Agreement was outdated
Claimed peace to be complicated

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