Stapler | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013

Crunch! There goes another one,
Engraved into the paper,
Stuck in like a splinter,
Out loud laughs the stapler,
His jolts cause nothing but pain.
Metal sticks of deadliness,
Ripping their way through maybe stacks of unsuspecting victims,
Binding them together with no sympathy whatsoever,
A demon in his own right.

We feed him knowing not,
Of the utter pain he causes throughout his life,
Destroying lives of innocents,
Just for our will.
A will that is trivial; unimportant
But to the paper,
It is pain,
And to the staples,
It is death.

The author's comments:
Not sure. Saw a stapler and wrote it :) But it is metaphorical of politics, as the richer crunch down on the poorer.

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