Demons With Familiar Faces | Teen Ink

Demons With Familiar Faces

April 13, 2013
By Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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remember remember the 5th of november, gunpowder treason and plot, i see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot.

I dream of demons with familiar faces. Telling me I belong with them, and they're taking me home. They touch me, and I become one of them. Part of them. I'm cold, and it's a wonderful thing. We're strong enough that we can jump over buildings, and it feels like we're flying. My hair is longer, thicker, darker. Skin even paler, my eyes brighter. And then a man i recognize as my father flashes by. And i follow him. When I corner him in an alley with a wooden fence, he punctures his thumb with a long sharp tooth, and flings the blood at me. I become paralyzed, and black out.

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This article has 1 comment.

Artlove191 said...
on Jun. 21 2015 at 3:22 pm
You have me hanging here. Please don't make me go through life never knowing what happens!!