The Entire Entity | Teen Ink

The Entire Entity

April 22, 2013

We are all but a mere fragment,
Of an entire entity,
A speck of sand rolling in the desert.
Individually, we are weak, delicate, blades of grass.
But together we are strong, unbreakable.

The religions are but a mere concept,
Of what we can achieve,
But reading between the lines,
Our achievements have backfired on us,
For religion has made us kill.

And every time we kill one another,
We lose a piece of our entity,
We become weaker, more delicate,
For if a time comes where we must work together,
It will be harder, not easier.

We are individually people of sin,
Greed, sloth, envy,
But together, our good deeds,
They weigh heavier than our sins,
For we are strong together.

We are all a page of a book,
A never ending tale,
Of letters piled in rows of ink,
Or are we?
We are not a team,
The world does not work together,
Thousands starving and millions overeating,
Today, tonight, tomorrow,
Our sins will weigh more than our good deeds,
Nevertheless, it is still true to say,
We are all part of one entity,
Broken up into billions of shards,
Fragile blades of grass.

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