from deep within | Teen Ink

from deep within

April 23, 2013
By Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer

Here I go again, asking for something that I need to obtain
Fine I admit I made a mistake but I'm trying my hardest for it to be erased
I lost the trust I once gained, now I'm wondering whats the point of
all of this I caused Pain!
I know you don't believe in the words that I say, you don't look at me
the same way & I'm trying my hardest to show everyday that I mean what
I say.!
Trust me one last time that's all I ask, & I can promise I will never
go back Let me be happy for a few months & once it's time ill let go &
I'll Move on !
But meanwhile don't take away what I want, because I'm not sure if
I'll survive!
Today I Received more than I thought I would ever get, could it be
that God is Calling my Name or that in the end He's waiting to give me
a chance all over again??
I'm not sure where I'll go from here, I wished I knew, but it's not as
easy as it seems!
I thought I had it under control I guess I played & I got burned!
& on the way I hurt the person that Loved me Most! & now everything I
had is Gone & I'm wondering when will everything stop, I get weaker by
the minute then something brings me hope, I want to give up then I
think of all the reasons why I Once loved on my own. A laugh is easy
to fake, a Smile is easy to give But inner strength is what I need.!
Now I'm asking the Lord to supply me with the choices I need to pick.
cause I made mistake after mistake & I just don't know where to begin!
I know I can be better, it's only a matter of time but the real
question is if I got enough Faith inside ?!!

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