I'll see you later. | Teen Ink

I'll see you later.

April 28, 2013
By SweetTweet SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
SweetTweet SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” - Edgar Allan Poe

How could someone so young,
die so soon?
Someone so full of life,
so full of energy,
So much potential,
Someone so excited about their future,
so ready to fulfill their goals,
had their lives flash before their eyes.
Now let them rest in a holy place.
Let the angels guide them,
remind them,
and take care of them,
until we meet again.
Don't think of it as goodbye.
Think of it as,
I'll see you later.

The author's comments:
On Feb. 6 I found out that my friend Justice had died... I was devastated, as was the rest of the school. Everyone loved him. I had no other way to get out my emotion and this poem just kinda, happened.

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