An "I need poem" | Teen Ink

An "I need poem"

May 13, 2013
By LoraKelly BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
LoraKelly BRONZE, Mt. Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I need a poem that
depicts the lingering heat
that we lived for on hot
July nights.

I need a poem that uses
delicate words, like a lullaby,
to tell me tomorrow will
be better.

I need a poem to inspire me
to unlock doors and explore
the unknown behind them.

I need a poem to remember
the crashing of the waves and the
salty mist that kissed my face
in a simpler time

I need a poem to
remember the past,
inspire the future,
and encourage the present.
I need a poem.

The author's comments:
This piece was a response to "I Wanna' Hear a Poem" by Steve Colman

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