Beautiful Yellow Weed | Teen Ink

Beautiful Yellow Weed

May 14, 2013
By Sarah Modrak BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sarah Modrak BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The delicious taste of victory, growing up from the ground
A strong stench of pride, protruding from severed limbs
Linger from sporadic green and yellow soldiers
Of a battle that has passed

Expired knights of jade, with blades of silver
Eternally fused to the ground
Protect a priceless flower
Who has fallen to the dirt

Remains of yellow flags
Smear the small premises
Creating a soft alter
To prepare for resurrection

Locked away
for Prince Charming to arrive
Beautiful, dangerous, anticipating
The wilted dormant flower
With a crown of golden petals

The author's comments:
I wanted to wright something about dandelions and I wanted to wright something about princesses. Combining them together took some brainstorming and lots of revisions. In the end, a fresh spring theme was created along with princesses.

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