The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

April 30, 2013
By emilythestrange SILVER, Fairport, New York
emilythestrange SILVER, Fairport, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not."

The rain started falling,
Slow and warm.
Nice spring showers.
No harsh storm.

The rain fell lightly.
The rivers were fed.
And she could feel all the raindrops
Dancing on her head.

She liked the rain,
Warm and slow.
The pavement darkens
And the puddles grow.

The rain comes a little faster now.
She's becoming wet.
Of course, she doesn't really mind.
How much worse can it get?

The raindrops are getting cold.
But she can still feel every one.
The clouds outside thicken.
Blocking out the sun.

The rain is coming down in sheets.
The rivers overflowed.
The puddles are all growing.
And now she's all alone.

The rain is coming down quite hard.
The sun's as good as dead.
And she can no longer feel the raindrops
Dancing on her head.

The author's comments:
I got the idea for this when I was sitting outside and it started raining. It wasn't very hard so I stayed outside, also I like rain. I like when you can feel each individual raindrop. It started raining harder but I stayed outside. It just kept getting worse. The pavement was dark from the rain, where as when I came out it was light and dry. It got really cold and hard not like when it first started and I didn't really like it that much anymore, but it was kind of addicting. Then it got worse again and I couldn't feel all the raindrops, I just felt wet. I watched it start from the beginning, but I didn't stick around to watch it end. I couldn't bare it anymore. You could think of the rain as a metaphor for lots of things. I don't want to tell you what I was thinking of because I don't want to make your decision for you.

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