Implications | Teen Ink


May 21, 2013
By BelieveInTacos SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
BelieveInTacos SILVER, Des Moines, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say desire burns like a fire;
Well I'd rather not be reduced to ashes.

They say love is ever-flowing like a river,
But if you jump in a river surely the current will pull you under
And you will drown.

They say hearts are the symbol of love;
What is it that people find so romantic
About a fist sized organ shaped like a blob,
Tirelessly pumping blood throughout your body?

She says she's in love and she'd die without him,
So how was it she has survived all these years without him?
Has her heart and brain so suddenly been
Transferred to his possession through some scientific process
So he has complete control over whether she lives or dies?

I prefer to have all my organs intact and in my possession,
Living for myself not some person I've just met;
No burns or water in my lungs or romantic organs;
Think before you speak of love,
Say what is meant:
You desire them
Your love is abundant for them
The symbol of love is your actions not an organ
Without them you find yourself unhappy;
Imply nothing, only truth.

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