The girl with the curios smile | Teen Ink

The girl with the curios smile

May 28, 2013
By kyrstengirl BRONZE, St. Johns, Florida
kyrstengirl BRONZE, St. Johns, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There lived a girl, who made hearts whirl,
the girl with the curious smile
She'll flirt, play, then prance away,
the girl with the curios smile.
Never had she known a man,
though many would try as best they can,
she made them mad,
made them sad,
played hopeful heartstrings like a fad,
deceptively seductive, her curious smile,
unknowning, or uncaring, all the while,
living along, lively, carefree,
beautiful, more so than the eye can see.
With little regard, for you, or me,
the girl with the curious smile.

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