Great Darkness | Teen Ink

Great Darkness

May 29, 2013
By Light-Lost GOLD, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
Light-Lost GOLD, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I couldn't bear to tell you
That lie
That every person so far has told you.
About how the stars
Were a gift from me.
Carefully constructed and hung
One by one.
I couldn't lie to you that way.
So instead
I'll tell you a story
About how once the light was so great
That it was all you could ever see
No darkness.
Day after day.
I'll tell of the day I decided that the light had become unappreciated.
Simply by being there.
So I pushed the sun to the side
And created a great white planet
In shadow of the sun.
Then painted a great darkness
To keep the new planet company.
I'll lead you to believe that this darkness
That I draped the sky with
Allowed for the stars to be seen.
Like spinning white light craving the shadows.
And I'll only tell you all this
In an attempt to get you to appreciate the subtlety.
Because you always hear stories about the sun and the stars.
But you never get to here
About the opposites
That make them great.

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