Music Box Ballerina | Teen Ink

Music Box Ballerina

May 20, 2013
By ivoryspade BRONZE, Wibraham, Massachusetts
ivoryspade BRONZE, Wibraham, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanted to know that I was real
and not blown from glass,
a music box ballerina
with a searing hot heart.

The painted lid is lifted
and I’ve no choice but to
spin and spin and spin;
my expressionless face is flawless,
except for a crack beneath my jaw.

Sunlight is traded for forced music;
I gasp and stutter in it,
used to darkness.
Dazzled, I shy from the rays,
and dumbfounded, wish for clouds.
I cannot stretch and bathe
in the sun shards;
I do not deserve it.

The author's comments:
The creation of this poem was inspired by the feeling that one is always "spinning" and "performing" for others without any control.

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