The Pain of Living | Teen Ink

The Pain of Living

June 1, 2013
By Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

The storm clouds gather as we watch, broken,
on the ground.
My bones are crushed and my blood lays
Pooled around me,
Soaking the earth and reflecting the fire
In the sky.
Why does it hurt so much to lie here,
When I
Know it’s a sweet release, a beckoning escape…
…could it be…?
It’s too late not to be consumed in the darkness,
Too far gone to wait for the sun
To shine
Through the clouds,
To run
From the lightning flashing all around.
It chills me to the bone,
It fills my ears:
This method I’ve chosen for destruction
Is one of the utmost
Completely bent on keeping me pinned here,
I look to you — I can’t help it — but you’re already
How did they get to you?
Must I be the only one left to face these storms?
For if I will soon be destroyed,
Let it come,
And not taunt me like this.
Yet could it be…..
….it’s not the darkness pinning me,
keeping me,
torturing me,
but the light?
That maybe this pain is the price I pay
To feel the pain
Of being alive?
And just maybe —
Am I crazy from this pain-induced fever?
That’s the way it has to be to ever feel the warmth
Of the dawning sun?
So I lay here and I bleed, my eyes watching the sky
To one day
Get back on my feet.

The author's comments:
This is about hope.

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This article has 9 comments.

on Jun. 9 2013 at 6:20 pm
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

Thank you so much! :) :)

HazelGrace said...
on Jun. 9 2013 at 6:17 pm
Oh,God. This was stunning. A unique view point was expressed with metaphors that made me want to throw a party for you. hsdlkjf;sdlkjf gahhhhhh i love this so much. "The Pain of Living" is a concept I also write about frquently, and I liked to see what other people had to say about it. Brilliant. 

on Jun. 7 2013 at 6:50 pm
IndigoElisabeth SILVER, Woodbury, New Jersey
5 articles 1 photo 171 comments

Favorite Quote:
John 1:1

Aww, thanks! :D Well, if you want to read my stuff, go ahead, but don't feel like you have to. :) I just like reading other people's writing. It's my dream job-- an editor.

on Jun. 7 2013 at 5:27 pm
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

I meant that comment to be for you ^^^^^^ lol

on Jun. 7 2013 at 5:26 pm
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

Thank you so much! And I'm sure youre just as good at it as I am, if not more so :) is there anything you'd like me to read of yours?

on Jun. 7 2013 at 5:26 pm
Jade.I.Am ELITE, Fishers, Indiana
214 articles 14 photos 1159 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you're losing your soul and you know it, then you've still got a soul left to lose”
― Charles Bukowski

Omg, THANK YOU. seriously, how can I repay you for the kindness you've shown to me?? You read like EVEERYTHING I write, it's such a blessing. Anything I can do, any articles you want read, whatever. I'm so grateful.

on Jun. 7 2013 at 5:04 pm
RynnTopia SILVER, Needville, Texas
9 articles 0 photos 8 comments
Oh, Jade. You amaze me as always

on Jun. 7 2013 at 1:55 pm
Carpe-Caffeam GOLD, No Where, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 444 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If it weren’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.” –David Letterman

I love those lines that say "That maybe this pain is the price I pay/To feel the pain/Of being alive?" You are sooooo good at making the reader think and invoking emotion. I feel the true despair of the narrator with a slight hope at the end. Seriously, if you compiled a book of your poetry and put it on teenink, you'd see me at three o'clock in the morning reading it with a line of empty cups (that once held black coffee) fanning out beside me. Beautiful job! :D

on Jun. 7 2013 at 11:39 am
IndigoElisabeth SILVER, Woodbury, New Jersey
5 articles 1 photo 171 comments

Favorite Quote:
John 1:1

You have a talent for stringing thoughts together into meaningful poetry. I could never write poetry like this! Great job!