The Infant Laughing Merrily | Teen Ink

The Infant Laughing Merrily

May 31, 2013
By Trishala Punjabi BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
Trishala Punjabi BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a world of hatred and despair ,
Where there is no love or care;
Beware as the end is near,
For then you will be gripped by fear!
The sea levels are rising high,
It just seems that they would touch the sky!
And between all this commotion,
Is an infant laughing merrily;
The poles are melting day by day
Cause ever so scorching is even the morning sun’s ray
People are rushing here and there,
There’s a big flood coming, so BEWARE!
It is such a big massacre, slaughter everywhere
Believe me, it is such a scare!
Some are killed by the flood,
Others are being trampled upon by their own blood;
There is only one distinguished sound,
Of an infant laughing merrily!
Only one life left on Earth,
The cheerful infant, that little birth!
Not a scar on his delicate limbs,
Protected from all things grim;
Suddenly, he has the feeling of being picked up,
Being cuddled like a pup!
A spirit of power mighty,
Oh, he is the Great Almighty!
(The innocent infant playing with his mustache)
Thee asks “Why are you laughing at this splash?”
“Looking below I can see the entire world,
Such a secret has been unfurled;
Who doesn’t like to play with the water,
After all I am just a little totter”
God laughs and then cries,
Both disappearing in thin air,
A new world,
New life,
New beginning,
No despair!

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