Do You Notice? | Teen Ink

Do You Notice?

May 31, 2013
By thatonefierygirl4455 BRONZE, Fremont, Michigan
thatonefierygirl4455 BRONZE, Fremont, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you see me standing there, watching you
Do you notice the way my eyes shine
Or the way blood rushes to my cheeks
Every time you're around
Do you notice the way my knees turn to jelly
Every time you smile
Do you notice
Do you even care
Or are you just ignoring me
Pretending you don't notice
So you don't have to deal with it
Have to deal with me
My broken heart
Do you know I won't do anything
Is that why you do it
Why you pretend
Do you notice me after all
Do you see me standing there, watching you
With stars in my eyes
A poor love-struck soul
And when you walk away
Do you notice the way my face falls
The tears in my eyes
Or how hurt I am
That you might have noticed me
Noticed this all
And you didn't do anything
Nothing at all

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