Regret | Teen Ink


June 5, 2013
By RachelLovesHannah BRONZE, Mckenna, Washington
RachelLovesHannah BRONZE, Mckenna, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Dear Darla, I hate your stinkin' guts, You're the scum between my toes. You make me vomit.
Love, Alfalfa."

I regretted the decision for days at a time
wishing i had done something to change his mind
he was obviously unhappy and the choice was his
could i have stopped him?
i question what would cause someone to take their life
to end it without putting up a fight
i try to put myself in his position at the time
wondering what was going through his mind
did i do all that i could have done?
could i have changed the way he was?
i think of him everyday, missing him to death
wishing this had all just been a test.

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