Summer Rain | Teen Ink

Summer Rain

June 9, 2013
By smiler BRONZE, Secret Spot <3, Other
smiler BRONZE, Secret Spot <3, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is made up of time, and time is made up of habits. So if you love life, don't waste time and follow good habits. <<<wow actually i made this stuff up isn't that great haha >3<

I hear it first
Swift but light
Tick-tocks on treetop leaves

Rain of summer
Veils the woods with impalpable glassy silk
I imagine
Heaven’s goddesses
Sifting pearls for their necklaces
And trembled the most vulnerable blades of grasses

Melting kisses on earth
It adds luster to the green air
Trees glimmering with peppered jewels
Roses as fresh and fair as can be
In June atmosphere

Smiling like a baby in a cradle
At the hint of the chant’s
I think to myself
Paris is most beautiful in the rain

But isn’t it --everywhere else so?

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