The sadness | Teen Ink

The sadness

June 26, 2013
By Ciel-chan GOLD, Cape Town, Other
Ciel-chan GOLD, Cape Town, Other
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone, somewhere is always fighting for you, as long as you remember her, you are not alone.

My face is the representation of youth,
Yet inside,
I am old,
My eyes through which I see,
Show me nothing but gray,
And Sadness,
OH! The Sadness!
It claws at me from within,
Making my heart ache,
And my eyes water,
I search and search the darkness,
For a spider's thread of hope,
Of light,
OH! The Light!
Where has it dissapeared to?
To know you are to die ,
The need to see the light becomes stronger,
Hope kindles in my feeble heart,
Everything happens for a reason,
My fate is in the hands ,
Of the masters of the game,
We are all just players,
In the larger scheme of things.

The author's comments:
Everyday I am exposed to some new form of horror whether it be a child searching through a dustbin or a people throwing trash into a sea. Each thing rips a giant whole in my heart because I know this cannot go on. One day it will be too late, the damage we are causing is irreversible.

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