scrubbing | Teen Ink


July 11, 2013
By StarGirl4101 BRONZE, N/a, Wisconsin
StarGirl4101 BRONZE, N/a, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

i scrub ever so very feverishly

i fugure that if i keep scrubbing

the soap will clean all of it

make all of it go far away

make the ache inside leave

all the tears dry completely up

wash away the pent up anger

cleanse me of sad and despair

the heartache shall disappear

but as hard as i do this

it is all still right there

maybe if i try and try again

why, why no success to me

all gods and angels, make it stop

i keep rinsing my hands knowing

knowing that it did not help

knowing that its all still there

that it may never leave me alone

i will always carry the burden

knowing that i've been defeated

The author's comments:
i wrote this a year ago when i was going through a very dark time in my life

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