Internal Torments | Teen Ink

Internal Torments

July 15, 2013
By tsmithsreen SILVER, Alexandria, Virginia
tsmithsreen SILVER, Alexandria, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." ~Dr. Seuss~

All is now lost
As all has begun
Lingering in the past
Should never be done

Yet I continue to picture
How it used to be
But imagination is
Only temporary.

Living is now.
Unless I would rather
Cease living.
Then nothing would matter.

I continue to live.
I continue to breathe.
I continue to hurt.
This life I would leave.

Memories flood back
And pour out in torrents.
I am facing chaos.
Swept up in the current.

Look back and
I will drown.
Chin is up.
Inside I frown.

Wishing to return
To a time when
It was enough,
To release the pain,
With only,
A pen.

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