Insomnia | Teen Ink


July 21, 2013
By DannyStrider GOLD, Guelph, Other
DannyStrider GOLD, Guelph, Other
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not a fan of puppeteers
but I've a nagging fear
someone else is pulling all the strings

How can I sleep
when all the world is so
street lights burn at every corner
where the monsters try to hide
reality is for the strong and terrified

The insanity that happens here is all inside my head
and no amount of fight or flight can conquer the searing dread
that comes with watching all you love screaming your name before they're dead

The dreams that crowd my (un)consciousness spill over
until I'm drowning in liquid fear
white against the darkness that's smudged underneath my eyes
I never thought that I
would be afraid to die
after the hundred times I stared at the darkness and wished for my own
It's impossible to be fearless when you can't tell truth from

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