Sea Turtles | Teen Ink

Sea Turtles

July 24, 2013
By DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, no one ever makes it out alive anyway.

Fresh light
New life
The shells are finally broken
As they wade through the thick cream
The sea awaits them
The moon will lead them
Though some may be luckier than the rest

Smoky clouds splatter across the night sky
Speckles of starlight still shine through
There’s still enough light to see the shadows
The shadows of the birds

Flying demons with the white wings of angels
At least reapers only take souls like their own
Look at them gathering circling swooping
Taking the young lives one at a time
A hand-full survive

The luckiest finally touch the waves
Delving into the shallow waters
Soon they embark into the real sea
The amaranthine frontier

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