Sleeping Children | Teen Ink

Sleeping Children

July 24, 2013
By DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, no one ever makes it out alive anyway.

Never-ending pathways trailing away from my destination
Delving confusedly into the blue abyss
The only true way is lined with trees
Whose tenebrous visitors lead me
Into the frozen grid

Cavorting between the tindery branches
I finally spot the familiar pearly ridges
Yet I still remember to remind myself
That’s it’s brightest at midnight
So I won’t be engulfed by the darkness

Suddenly surrounded by the cherry ribbons
I crouch for a better look under the bed
You never really know when there’s a creature
Creeping around down there

My search is complete
As I turn away
The last thing I see
Are the socked feet
Of a stranger

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