Forever | Teen Ink


September 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I don't know what to say anymore
You stopped talking to me
Like you had done before.

Like you weren't the one who always came running back.
But now my heart longs to know the man that fell apart.

I lost my best friend, I lost my one and only.
I lost the one who grew up right beside me.
Who learned wrong from right
Who learned that its okay to lean on someone when you need them more then life.

Every time I dream, I dream of you
Every time I breath, I breath because of you.
Every time I love, I love because you showed me there's always more then meets the eye.

Your the best friend that I lost
Your the only one I'd give any
thing to get back.
I made the mistake of leaving, I made the mistake of lying to myself.

But I never wanted to loose you forever.

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