American Born Roman | Teen Ink

American Born Roman

September 4, 2013
By Schizophasia PLATINUM, Lowell, Massachusetts
Schizophasia PLATINUM, Lowell, Massachusetts
26 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness is like a butterfly
The more you chase it
The more it will elude you
But if you turn your attention to other things
It will come and sit softly on your shoulder. - Henry David Thoreau

In the Red Sea of Sol Invictus
I tread through centurion legions
With eyes bound shut by blind prophets -
The faults do not lie in their stars
But the faulty stars lie about their faults -
As their blades establish home in their sleeves
I am convinced Brutus will soon betray Caesar once more

The Parcae have sewn into my countenance a smile
With the thread of life, so that I shall greet Mors unafraid
Mars has lent me his strength so that I may seize each elusive day
Ira Ultoris in me fluit, ira Ultoris in me fluit, ira Ultoris in me fluit
But I rue the days when Venus sends to me her son

In the Black Sea of lustrous Luna
My thoughts are fathomed into constellations
By the poor plebes rich with wisdom -
My faults are drowning in the depth of my stars
Floating freely in the cavernous space -
As I weigh my heart with the scales of Iustitia
Along with my mind, the scales tip in favor
Of stagnant blood

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