Hidden | Teen Ink


September 10, 2013
By _Emmm SILVER, Burlington, Other
_Emmm SILVER, Burlington, Other
7 articles 1 photo 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.”
- Charles Simic

Stories unheard of, and stories untold are hidden within, waiting to be told.

But hidden they stay.

Desperately waiting, and wanting to be shared with the world.

But hidden they stay.

Magnificent stories, wonderful stories, stories meant to be shared.

But hidden they stay.

Stories to make you laugh and cheer and stories to make you cry and grieve.

But hidden they stay.

Because they can't be shared.

Because it's not allowed.

Because they are quiet and alone.

Because the stories sit alone.

Because no ones there to laugh and cheer and cry and grieve.

So hidden they stay.

Until they are found, no longer hidden.

Until they sit with others.

Until the stories are shared.

The most magnificent stories ever to be told.

No longer hidden they stay.

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