Untitled | Teen Ink


September 17, 2013
By Lostradamus BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Lostradamus BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do it by any means necessay." -Malcom X

Enduring social ostracization his entire existence

The obscurity of all the young boy’s animation is outlandish and peculiar in particular

Adversely received without hospitality and opened arms...

Detached and forsaken in Hell on Earth...

So much time with oneself drives him to the point of aberration and a neurosis illness

But one can only keep his estuary dark and fastened for an amplitude of an instant

Only a cipher being may make his turmoil and atrocities vanish

He is whirled into a cosmos of perplexity

When all of a sudden he finds lucidity and exactitude

All seems to be transforming into mind boggling events

But just then his whole sphere of life turns topsy-turvy

Miasma consumes his window to the secret self

He gyrates left, right, even about-face...

In search of a remedy by any means necessary

He vows to investigate for the sustenance so badly needed

When all optimistic outlooks seem astray

He tries to grasp to any entity to keep himself conscious

Oppressed in the penal institution of his own astuteness

Inoperative to carry out any vocation

But he has an epiphany that opens his mind’s eye

Which allows him to see that all his coherence was illogical

The injustice of his attempts of self-slaughter

Bring about disarray

But he attains knowledge from this realization

Scrutinizing the complexity of his own metacognition

Undergoing the inevitable

As he delve into the contemplation of his own

Complications within his concept of his philosophy

Of how curiosity can further lead him to the investigation

Of the “Million Dollar Question”

A conundrum that most of us stumble upon

The all-time tumbling-twirler, tongue-twisting

Malfunctioning mouthful when it finally comes out

But it never seems to make any sense

To the point where it stockpiles and becomes problematic

But it’s automatic for the child to assume it’s a nightmare

He uses cognitive dissonance to live his complicating life

And to carry out each of his daily obligations

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