A faded light | Teen Ink

A faded light

September 26, 2013
By Mohrenweiser SILVER, Yangon, Other
Mohrenweiser SILVER, Yangon, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"

His heart kidnapped mine
thick coatings of black and white
i sat there watching
he sprinted from me to the back house
like a circle it never ended
but the third time he didn't return
yet stood there watching me
his tail straight up like an arrow
paws tip toeing on the ground
he became the hunter
And I the prey
Light flashed above me as my eyes
took the skies
life took a deep breath of silence
a tranquil moment of my life
laying there silent
staring at a large shadow
a heavy weight above
my hands grasping its mouth
a transition of red grew above my hands
Dark red stains soaked into my skin
like wine laying a stain on cloth
its mouth flowing out red
seconds later it left, walking back
towards home
leaving me on the floor, eyes wide open
I couldn't feel my body
i couldn't feel my mind
nerves left me
on the ground where I lay
helpless i lifted my hands
where i could see
a wet dark stain
dripping on my face
lowering my hands towards my left cheek
only through peripheral vision
I saw red stains
touching my cheeks nerves
flowed through my body
as i felt my body once more
feeling a wet texture on my cheeks
dripping onto my hands I touched
my cheeks again only to
go through it
my hands touching
my tongue

The author's comments:
A poetry version of how i encountered, at the age of seven, the worst accident in my life.

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