Who am I? | Teen Ink

Who am I?

October 26, 2013
By Jamie Gray BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Jamie Gray BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know you’re hurting,
I see it when you smile,
You laugh through the pain,
Trying to stall for a while,
Your disguise is good, but not good enough,
I’ve been through this,
I’m telling the truth,
If you don’t believe me,
Do you want some proof?
You are loved and you are cared for,
You’re beautiful in Gods eyes,
Trust me, I know,
What it’s like on the inside,
You feel weak,
You feel torn,
But don’t worry,
Your life is no bore,
Be grateful for what you have,
Not everyone is so blessed,
I told you that you are loved,
Now do you believe me yet?

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