Leaves | Teen Ink


October 28, 2013
By Anonymous


I am a tiny ,bright green leaf

hanging from a brown twig

on a maple tree

I just hang there season after

season and month after month

I am just a tiny bright green leaf

hanging from a apple tree and

some say'' that's boring'' which it is

but there is something that leaves

can't do that I can do

I can dream

I can dream about the most

impossible things like wanting to

soar the sky, being able to be free

an to fell the wind caring me away

Some people say ''that's crazy'' why

would you want to be free when you

can be safe on a twig on a tall tree?

Now I don't know why people say that

but that does not matter to me

I will just hang on this brown twig on

this tall maple tree and keep dreaming

impossible dreams

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