When I Look To The Future | Teen Ink

When I Look To The Future

October 28, 2013
By mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
mclovee SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing Gold Can Stay. - Robert Frost

When I look to the future
I see a long anticipated
eventful senior year.
I see graduation
fast approaching.
I see a well rounded
academically inclined
University of North Florida acceptant.

When I look to the future
I see a urban city apartment
overlooking New York City.
I see night time walks through
Time Square and
broadway shows
nearly every evening.
I see myself publishing articles
in the New York Times.

When I look to the future
traveling to Switzerland, Rome, Australia, and Greece.
I see a journal containing
every detail of those trips
being published into
an award winning novel.
I see mountain climbing, dining, surfing, and sightseeing.

When I look to the future I see
my family happily gathered
around the dinner table.
I see a suburban dream house with
a mortgage within my price range.
I see my husband and child
wanting nothing more from life
and being completely satisfied.

When I look to the future
I see my child reaching
their senior year.
I see our tears at their
graduation ceremony.
I see them acceding on to
bigger and better things in college.

When I look to the future
I see myself old
grey haired with my love
by my side.

When I look to the future
I see myself happy

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