500 Year Old Door | Teen Ink

500 Year Old Door

October 30, 2013
By LizzyStarr SILVER, Numa, Iowa
LizzyStarr SILVER, Numa, Iowa
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk along the moor,
to a 500 year old door.
It was stone,
although the color never shone.
What did it contain?
A beast with a wild mane?
With curiosity I crossed the moor,
closer to the 500 year old door.
I was rough,
but I suppose 500 years would make you tough.
Still, what was hidden behind?
What was there to find?
With my hand lain upon the door,
I pushed it forward a little more.
It was heavy,
but it slid along the levy.
Behind, I will find,
The beast that was hidden in my mind.

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