Ode' to IM'ing | Teen Ink

Ode' to IM'ing

November 21, 2013
By Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
Ann367 SILVER, Ransom, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Good friends stab you in the front

Instant Messaging we love what you do, you give us a world where we can talk to distant family and friends too!
You give us an opportunity to say lol, rofl and bff. But that’s not why you are the best.
I love you because it goes without saying, you allow us to say what we mean, and well you’re entertaining
Sometimes I complain when you are too slow, but I adore you IM’ing, and I thought you should know.
So I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m saying goodbye, thanks for the help!

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