Abandoned | Teen Ink


November 25, 2013
By AngelCheyenne GOLD, Buckhannon, West Virginia
AngelCheyenne GOLD, Buckhannon, West Virginia
12 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't worry; Be happy

Do you have any idea of what you have done to me?
Do you even care?
I watched you hug my sisters and tell them you loved them.
And you just stared at me
How could you do that?
Why do I care?
Alot of questions are gonna go unanswered
I cant stand it
It eats ay my heart every single day
But you dont care you never did
did you?
All i wanted was answers
thats all i wanted
out of my 16 years of life
thats all ive ever asked for
Do you love me?
Do I love you?
Those are more unanswered questions
You took more away from me than you think
Youve made me into a monster
and a freak.
Youve made me insecure and scared of love
I look at myself everyday and ask why?
Did i do something?
Could i have fixed them?
More unanswered questions
You came into my life
just to jump right back out
Im afraid of love
how pathetic is that?
You did this
I will blame you for everything
I will dance on your grave they day your put 6ft under
May god strike me down and send me to hell
but I wont go alone
Youll be there with me
And when they mention me as your daughter in your obituary
I will come to your funeral and flip your casket
And I wont even shed a tear about it
Ive cried myself to sleep everynight over you.
Do you think about me like i think about you?
Do you regret your mistake?
Was I the mistake?
I have to other words to describe me other than...

The author's comments:
My biological father abandoned me.

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