The sweetest things in life. | Teen Ink

The sweetest things in life.

November 22, 2013
By chicksonfire230 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
chicksonfire230 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do for others more than you do for yourself."

Saw a homeless man walking around a neighborhood, sunken cheeks, beach blonde hair, pale skin, looking for fallen candy on the floor, candy from ghouls & ghosts. Watching him struggle to pick up the bits & pieces left on the ground.
It was a perfect timing to come out & look for a little treat.
Unsatisfied, with a gloomy sad upon his face..
He dropped what was in his hand, and continued on with his search.
It was empty. Many of the candy was already in the pit of the stomach of the monsters & witches.
They were empty, just wrappers.
It felt so light & empty in the palm hands, as if the wind was already willing to brush it off for him. All he can really do is just stare.
Watching the man scurry around, from corner to corner, street to street..
Couldn't help but notice he wasn't the only one looking for candy, he wasn't alone.
He had his best friend with him, his trusted partner.. His family,
his dog
Tongue dangling, tail wagging, sniffing around, running around, barking if any evidence was found.
The dog was there, right by the man's side. A good friend he was to him!
I look to my side, gazing at the large bag full of candy. Didn't even think twice.
"I don't need thing", I thought to myself.
Left it on the corner of the street the man was on & stood near,
only stayed long enough to see the expression on the man's face.

The author's comments:
Published this a little late,
but happy late Halloween!

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