The Halcyon of Humanity | Teen Ink

The Halcyon of Humanity

November 26, 2013
By HummingbirdsFly BRONZE, Falls Church, Virginia
HummingbirdsFly BRONZE, Falls Church, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Deep within the crevice

a fire grows, ignites, encroaches on humanity within
a light inside a vestige of darkness

a hope buried beneath the rocks of the earth

it jumps up forcing a realization.
What can one
Mixing and melding into a single
a man without hands
a beast without teeth
unable to grasp reality, unable to see truth
crashing its path through
gardens of desires and hopes
turned to ashes

We pray, pray…. pray?
We pray but praying won’t end the darkness

only you can end the darkness
only you
with your halcyonic saving grace
can change the world in one swift motion
without so much as a butterfly flutter
to hold you back

The author's comments:
My best friend inspired me to write this poem.

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