You Left | Teen Ink

You Left

December 2, 2013
By sofiatous BRONZE, San Jose, Other
sofiatous BRONZE, San Jose, Other
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

It’s been a week and two days
since you walked out my door,
I want you back and I hate myself for that.

It’s been a month and five days
since you said your goodbyes,
I miss you and I hate myself for that.

It’s been two months and one day
since you last kissed my mouth,
I need you here and I hate myself for that.

It’s been three months and twenty days
since you let go of my hand,
I can’t live like this and I hate myself for that.

It’s been four months and six days
since I heard your voice last,
I’m in pain and I hate myself for that.

It’s been five months and ten days
since you left and I’m still not okay,
I’m sorry and I hate myself for that.

It’s been twenty minutes since I last tried to call,
I needed to hear your voice one last time.
You didn’t pick up and I can’t wait anymore.
I’m done with my life, but I hate myself for that.

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