It Will Shine Again | Teen Ink

It Will Shine Again

December 6, 2013
By ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
ChyanneRanaye GOLD, Hohenwald, Tennessee
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Sometimes I wish you could just read my mind, to find out whats really on my heart, because my words could never tell you.

The demons in my mind,
Are corrupting me inside

Their evil thoughts,
Their bad ways,
What more can I say

They're running loose,
They're getting their way,
They have their control over me

I try to fight it,
I try to hide it,
But that just makes it happen again

The pull of a trigger,
A push of a button,
It could all end,
All of a sudden

But I won't give in,
I have to win,
They won't kill my light,
It will shine again

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