Nearing the End | Teen Ink

Nearing the End

December 9, 2013
By smccoy74 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
smccoy74 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The trees quietly weep as they accept their fate.
Like tears, the leaves fall from their branches
slowly tumbling in the wind,
until they finally rest upon the ground.
Like puzzle pieces scattered over the grass,
the leaves work together,
in a half hearted attempt,
to conceal the ground from view.
Just as the snowflakes will soon do.
The leaves still on the trees shine with vibrant colors,
in one last moment of glory.
But their days are numbered.
Soon they will be just like the other leaves,
heaped in piles by the side of the road,
withering and crumpling with decay.
Their battle lost, and their journey almost done.

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