I Have Only Kissed one Boy | Teen Ink

I Have Only Kissed one Boy

December 13, 2013
By mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am so much more real
than you think I am
I don’t smile when the sun shines
I won’t forgive you when you make a mistake
Why do you always try to tell me
That I don’t know what I’m doing
When you can’t name my favourite colour
Or list the boys I’ve kissed
Why do you always try to tell me
That I’ll change my mind when I’m older
When I have my head screwed on more straight
Than most 42 year olds
I don’t have a book of suicide notes
Or a row of scars down my thighs
Because my ex boyfriend called me fat
Or because my mother called me crazy
But I have contemplated death
Every day since I realized what it meant to be alive
I am not the girl everyone wishes they were
I am the girl who lies to your face
My favourite colour is black
I have only kissed 1 boy
I am a lot more real than you think I am

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