If You Could See Me Now | Teen Ink

If You Could See Me Now

December 17, 2013
By Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
Provider GOLD, Peoria, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, and think of tomorrow.

If you could see me now,
What would you say?
Would you smile warmly
Like you had so long ago?
Would you greet me
With a hug or handshake?
Would you ask how I’ve been?
Would you ask if I still feel the same
And then shune me like before?
If you could see me now,
Would you ask if I hurt?
Would you ask me if I still
Feel pain from my heart being
Crushed before my eyes?
Would you listen if I told you,
Or walk away when I need you
The most in my life, like most of
The others, not saying a word?
If you could see me now,
Would you want to hear
The stories I dare not tell?
Would you look away in disgust
As you find out who I really am?
Would you believe me if I said
That I felt the same pain before?
The same pain you feel now,
That you tried to hide from me?
If you could see me now,
After finding out everything
I’ve felt and suffered in life,
Would you pity me? Hug me
Tightly and tell me to let it out?
Ask if you could try to help?
Would you leave, running
Away in fear from the danger
That is me? Or would you stay
And try your hardest to save me?
If I could see you now,
I would greet you with a
Smile, and if you hug me,
I’d hug you back. I would
Ask how you’ve been, and
Listen to the things you
Tell me. I’d ask about your
Story and how its going and
If you finished it at all.
If I could see you now,
I would ask how you’re
Doing in school and how
Things are at home. I
Would ask what’s happened
Since we last met, and listen
Carefully. I’d answer your
Questions, if you ask me
Any. Then I’d ask you why.
If I could see you now,
I’d ask what happened
To us, and what changed.
I’d ask if everything you
Said was true, and not a
Lie. If you told me it was a
Test, I’d leave without another
Word. If you tell me more lies
I might just believe your words.
If I could see you now,
I wouldn’t try to get you
Back. I wouldn’t tell you
It was a mistake, or that
It wasn’t. I’d tell you what’s
Happened in my life, and
Then ask what you were
Trying to hid from me.
If you tell me, I’d tell you
All the things I’ve hidden too.
If only I could see you now
And if only everyone could see me

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