Youth to Adolesance | Teen Ink

Youth to Adolesance

December 22, 2013
By RnRaje BRONZE, Seuzach, Other
RnRaje BRONZE, Seuzach, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Homework turns into paper airplanes. Standing in the corner turns into detention. Lemonade turns into beer. Bikes turn into motorcycles.
I miss not caring what I look like and not worrying what people think about me.
I remember thinking being high was swinging higher than all yours friends on the swings.
I miss getting in trouble at school because you refused to share your colour pens and brought cookies for lunch.
I miss math problems being 48/2.
I remember being safe was making sure your helmet was secure.
I miss waking up at 10 just to run around the backyard with my friends
I remember running away from boys because they had the worst thing you can catch, cooties.
I miss being whoever I wanted. Dressing up as Snow White or Barney.
I remember issues of race being 1st place 2nd place and 3rd.
I miss swinging on the monkey bars and playing with my toy cars.
I remember pain being falling from the tree and scraping your knee.
I miss being a kangaroo and jumping from puddle to puddle. Splish Splash.
I remember wanting to grow up, but it’s not as great as I thought it would be.

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